Wednesday 28 March 2012

Introduction to mwahh!

Why Hello there, my little marsh mellows!
Gather Round, I have a story to share...
Once upon a time, a teenage girl named Bethy.M made her first blog.
hahahaha. Do you get it? It's a story about me! and my first blog... which is this... Hello ;)
So yeah, My name is Bethy.M, but that's my Singer Songwriter name. Im your average teenager. I love music, singing, shopping, talking, texting and generally being anti social. Arn't all teenagers this way? If your not, stop pretending to be a teenager, take of the mask, and fly home to planet zorg! YOU'RE NOT NORMAL.

Anyway, I live with my Mum, Dad and Sister, I have three older brothers and I attend high school. After high school I am going to college to do A levels in English Lit and Lang, Media, Film Studies and Art or history.... I'll decide at some point. After that I want to go to university in London and do singing and songwriting on the side and become a professional at that. I doubt it'll go my way, but I do believe in my self, and if I work hard enough, I know I can get there.

Personality wise, I am mad. Literally the wierdest person you'll probably meet... if you ever do. I am dirty minded, hyper, loud, talkative, imaginitive, over dramatic, annoying but really awesome. It takes a lot for more me to let you be my good friend. Sure, I can get on with most people, but only the best of the best can be my really good friends. I have a few really close friends, and a few not so close who I really want to get to know better, and hopefully be best friends with- you know who you are ;) but I find it hard to trust anyone fully. In fact I dont trust anyone 100% because I know, as humans, we will let eachother down and hurt eachother. I tend to over think things, but I love to have fun, and I rather be hanging with mates than inside cooped up with the family. Although I do love my family dearly, although they do annoy me. But don't all families?

I don't want to give away to much of myself just yet because otherwise there'll be nothing to blog/talk about to you guys, but if you have any questions, just ask and I'll do my best to answer :)

Please could you check me out on Youtube and comment, rate and subscribe, It would mean a lot to me!

Enjoy my blogs. I'll be talking about life, random shizz, and much much more. Thankyouuu Marsh Mellows ;)
Love Bethy.M xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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