Monday 23 April 2012

Update :)

So havent posted in a while but I thought I just do a quick up date.
Not much different things have been going on apart from school. 19 days left guys! WOAHH. well okay, 19 days till study leave then after all my exams are over im done.
cannot wait for prom! going to be flipping awesome, I just need to lose some weight as I went to Spring Harvest at butlins down in minehead! was flipping amazing, but I ate tons of food and put on half a stone... woops!
ahh well, should lose it pretty quickly.
I really enjoyed Spring Harvest.
For those of you who dont know, its a Christian event. I really enjoyed my self, and it was extra wicked due to going with my best mate.
We'd go to this thing in the morning called 'iScape' which is aimed at 15-18 year olds. It was in two parts. The first part: we'd do some worship and have a talk and study the bible... It was really fun. The second half we'd do some group talks about different things in life. Family, different ways of worshiping, seeking God etc etc etc. After that I messed around with my mates there either going swimming or to the fair ground for free and go on all the rides. It was really fun. Then we'd have dinner and go to the night session of 'iScape' and do more worship and talks. Afterwards we'd eithe go late night swimming or meet with friends and mess about at the skyline or go and watch some acts like comedians or singers. One time me and my mate just played netball for a while which was nice.
I really loved it, and will definetley be going again.
The guy who led our worship is called Pete James. I bought his new album 'My Heart Is Singing Loud' which I love, he was amazing. Check him out!
Had a great time there, it was truly inspirational and helped me get back on track with God :)

When I got back it was school again, and here I am a week and a bit later. Bored as hell at school. haha, hope I do well in exams. Good luck to all peeps doing their exams. Hope you get good grades.
I cannot wait to go to college! :D

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